Krabbendam L, Sijtsma H, Crone EA, van Buuren M (2024). Trust in adolescence: Development, mechanisms and future directions. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 69, 1-10
Pinkse-Schepers AL, Buil JM, Sijtsma H, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Krabbendam L, Lee NC (2024). The development of depression and social anxiety symptoms in adolescents and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and desire for peer contact. Frontiers in public health, 12, 1-12,
2023 -2022
Schreuders E, van Buuren M, Walsh RJ, Sijtsma H, Hollarek M, Lee, NC, Krabbendam L (2023). Learning whom not to trust across early adolescence: a longitudinal neuroimaging study to trusting behavior involving an uncooperative other. Child Development, 10.1111/cdev.13986.
Hollarek, M, van Buuren, M, Asscheman, S, Cillessen, T, Koot, S, van Lier, P, Krabbendam, L (2023). Predicting Change in Neural Activity During Social Exclusion in Late Childhood: The Role of Past Peer Experiences. Social Neuroscience, 18(2), 65–79.
Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Hollarek M, Sijtsma H, Lee NC, Krabbendam L (2023). Social contexts, momentary mood and affective variability in early adolescence: An ecological momentary assessment study. The Journal of Early Adolescence.
Sijtsma H, van Buuren M, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, Lee NC, Braams BR, Krabbendam L (2023). Social network positions, trust behavior and its neural mechanisms in young adolescents. NeuroImage, 268.
Weidema A, Hollarek M, Sijtsma H, Lee NC, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M & Krabbendam L (2023). Increased interference from conflicting perspectives and gender differences: A longitudinal study during adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 235, 105717.
Walsh RJ, Lee NC, Lemmers-Jansen ILJ, Hollarek M, Sijtsma H, van Buuren M, & Krabbendam L (2023). A Few Close Friends? Adolescent Friendships' Effect on Internalizing Symptoms Is Serially Mediated by Desire for More Friends and Social Goal Orientation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(7), 1357–1373.
van Rijn, R, Lee, NC, Hollarek M, Sijtsma H, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Braams BR, & Krabbendam, L (2023). The Effect of Relative Pubertal Maturation and Perceived Popularity on Symptoms of Depression and Social Anxiety in Adolescent Boys and Girls. Journal of youth and adolescence, 52(11), 2384–2403.
Sijtsma H, Lee NC, van Kesteren MTR, Braams BR, van Atteveldt NM, Krabbendam L, van Buuren M (2023). The effect of incorrect prior information on trust in adolescents. Neuropsychologia, 179.
Sijtsma H, Lee NC, Braams BR, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Krabbendam L (2023). The development of adolescent trust behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 231.
Sijtsma H, Lee, NC, Buczny J, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Krabbendam L (2023). HEXACO personality dimensions do not predict individual differences in adolescent trust behavior. Games, 14.
Meier IM, Montoya E, Spencer H, Orellana SC, van Buuren M, van Honk J, Bos PA (2022). Preliminary data on oxytocin modulation of neural reactivity in women to emotional stimuli of children depending on childhood emotional neglect. Developmental Psychobiology.
van Buuren M, Sijtsma H, Lute N, van Rijn R, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, Lee NC, Krabbendam L (2022). Development of the neural correlates of self- and other-referential processing across adolescence. Neuroimage, 252.
2021 - 2020
Müller NCJ, Kohn N, van Buuren M, Klijn N, Emmen H, Berkers RMWJ, Dresler M, Janzen G, Fernández G (2021). Differences in executive abilities rather than associative processes contribute to memory development. Human Brain Mapping 15;42(18):6000-6013.
Hanssen E, van Buuren M, van Atteveldt N, Lemmers-Janssen ILJ, Fett A-KJ (2021). Reduced social context sensitivity during social interactions in the schizophrenia spectrum: an fMRI study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
van Buuren M, Lee NC, Vegting I, Walsh R, Sijtsma H, Hollarek M, Krabbendam L (2021). Intrinsic network interactions explain individual differences in mentalizing ability in adolescents. Neuropsychologia, 151.
Sijtsma H, Lee NC, Hollarek M, Walsh RJ, van Buuren M, Braams BR, Krabbendam L (2021). Social cognition and friendships in adolescents with autistic-like experiences and psychotic-like experiences. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
van Buuren M, Walsh RJ, Sijtsma H, Hollarek M, Lee NC, Bos PA, Krabbendam L (2020). Neural correlates of self- and other-referential processing in young adolescents and the effects of testosterone and peer similarity. Neuroimage, 219
Wagner IC, van Buuren M, Fernández G. (2019) Thalamo-cortical coupling during encoding and consolidation is linked to durable memory formation. Neuroimage, 197, 80-92.
van Buuren M, Wagner IC, Fernández G. Functional network interactions at rest underlie individual differences in memory ability. (2019) Learning & Memory, 26, 9-19.(*shared first-author)
2017 - 2013
Wagner IC*, van Buuren M*, Bovy L, Morris RGM, Fernández G. (2017). Methylphenidate during early consolidation affects long-term associative memory retrieval depending on baseline catecholamines. Psychopharmacology, 234, 657-669. (*shared first-author)
Wagner IC, van Buuren M, Bovy L, Fernández G. (2016) Parallel engagement of regions associated with encoding and later retrieval creates durable memories. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 79885-79896
Wagner IC, van Buuren M, Kroes MCW, Gutteling TP, van der Linden M, Morris RG, Fernández G (2015). Schematic memory components converge within angular gyrus during retrieval. eLife, doi: 10.7554/eLife.09668
Vink M, de Leeuw M, Luykx JJ, van Eijk KR, van der Munkhof H, van Buuren M, Kahn RS (2015). DRD2 schizophrenia-risk allele is associated with impaired striatal functioning in unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbv166
van Buuren M, Kroes MCW, Wagner IC, Genzel L, Morris RGM, Fernández G (2014). Initial investigation of the effects of an experimentally learned schema on spatial associative memory in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 16662-16670
Hoogendam JM, Kahn RS, Hillegers MHJ, van Buuren M, Vink M (2013). Different developmental trajectories for anticipation and receipt of reward during adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 113-124
van Buuren M, Vink M, Kahn RS (2012). Default-mode network dysfunction and self-referential processing in healthy siblings of schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research, 142, 237-243
Zandbelt BB, van Buuren M, Kahn RS, Vink M (2011). Reduced proactive inhibition in schizophrenia is related to corticostriatal dysfunction and poor working memory. Biological Psychiatry, 70, 1151-1158
van Buuren M, Vink M, Rapcencu AE, Kahn RS (2011). Exaggerated brain activation during emotion processing in unaffected siblings of patients with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 70, 81-87
Van Veelen NMJ, Vink M, Ramsey NF, van Buuren M, Hoogendam JM, Kahn RS (2011). Prefrontal lobe dysfunction predicts treatment response in medication-naive first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 129, 156-162
Van Veelen NMJ, Vink M, Ramsey NF, Sommer IEC, van Buuren M, Hoogendam JM, Kahn RS (2011). Reduced language lateralization in first-episode medication-naive schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 127, 195-201
van Buuren M, Gladwin TE, Zandbelt BB, Kahn RS, Vink M (2010). Reduced functional coupling in the default-mode network during self-referential processing, Human Brain Mapping, 31, 1117-1127
van Buuren M, Gladwin TE, Zandbelt BB, van den Heuvel M, Ramsey NF, Kahn RS, Vink M (2009). Cardiorespiratory effects on default-mode network activity as measured with fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3031-3042
Zandbelt BB, Gladwin TE, Raemaekers M, van Buuren M, Neggers SF, Kahn RS, Ramsey NF, Vink M (2008). Within-subject variation in BOLD-fMRI signal changes across repeated measurements: quantification and implications for sample size. Neuroimage, 42, 196-206